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Fraser Valley, British Columbia (FVBC) FS22 Map

#fs22 #fs22mod #fs22map #newmap #fraservalley

Current Version - details below

Current Discord (let me know if it's broken) https://discord.gg/xMRq6Szv

Your Father and Uncle opted out of the family dairy business so Grandad had started selling parts of the farm by the time you came along. If it was hard for him to sell he never let on, but you did know how his smile beamed whenever you showed any interest in farming. 

He didn’t have to do too much to encourage you - you were playing with toy tractors before you were discharged from the maternity ward. Your first 7 summers were spent helping Grandad on the farm. You were driving a tractor on Grandads knee from birth and by yourself when you were 6. You had the confidence and calmness with the dairy cows of a seasoned cattleman.  

You walked through the empty dairy on the day the main farm was sold and cried, but you also knew part of it was in your blood and wasn’t going anywhere. Nan and Grandad moved closer to town and he kept a couple of tractors and some gear and did contract jobs for his old neighbours season to season.

Years later enrolling in an Ag Science Course at the College near Nan and Grandads seemed like a no-brainer. You helped him with farm contracts when you weren’t studying, it was the perfect balance of theory and practice.

You knew granddad would have something planned for your graduation. He had followed almost every assignment and helped out as much as he could. He was amazed by the technology and science you were learning and how much farming has changed in just 10-15 years. 

Now that grandad is gone you're not sure how to feel. You are overwhelmed with emotion and… excitement. 

Yes, this is not yet another story of a Grandad being killed off for a Farm Sim narrative. He had secretly bought a fancy R.V. and the night of graduation announced to the family that he and Nana were leaving to travel the world. Their little house, the land grandad kept after selling the dairy, and all his equipment was yours now!  All his old neighbours know who you are, will lookout for you, and have plenty of work to be done.

He explained that while he would always be a phone call away and would be back to help out one day, he didn’t want to get in the way of you bringing his farming dream back to life.

So what are you waiting for…

Authors Note

This is my first map and when I started I didn’t know what a game engine was. This is to say that if you look too closely you will find things that are technically suspect. Things like stretched textures, mashed together models, square foliage edges, and more are all present on this map. However, if you squint your eyes a bit and see the Giant’s Editor’s limitations as things to work with, then this still might be the map for you. What I have skipped over in detail in some places I believe I have made up for in other areas and features.

Map Notes

Error Log and Test Runner.

*There are no Errors loading in.

*The loading in foliage warnings are known Giant’s problems, including the modded foliages.

*Test Runner Results are on Discord. It is essentially perfect, except… 

-the border images are intentionally too big for the game. Performance/detail.

-there are a few mip map errors on decoration signs no one will notice.

Known Play Issues.

  1. At present in all game modes you will own several animal pens and productions. This is because they are mods where the author has not enabled the 'buyWithFarmland' attribute, and as a result the pens and productions are not brought when you by the farmland.  My only other option is to make it 'owned' from the start. I am working on a script solution for this, in the meantime please ignore things you don't own.
  2. Contracts may not complete. This is a known game issue and occurs depending on game difficulty, days/season, harvester servicing, NPC’s crop-care and more. To fix, use the ‘Better Contracts’ mod and adjust the required amounts for contracts. Alternatively, use the Easy Development Mod to add the product required to complete the contract.
  3. If you have increased the Foliage View Distance in your game settings the map may not load. This is a big map with a lot going on. I have optimised the forests so they load-in gradually, this ensure you can see trees on the hills from everywhere on the map. Detail has a cost. It is best at tractor level, and worst when flying around.  To fix, consider reducing draw distances to improve performance.

List of Dependency Giant's Modhub Mods 

(will download automatically)

<dependency>FS22_americanFermentingSilos</dependency> <dependency>FS22_animalLimitIncreaser64</dependency> <dependency>FS22_ArchedBuildingsPack</dependency> <dependency>FS22_MKII_Conveyor_Pack</dependency> <dependency>FS22_bunkerSiloMediumDirt</dependency>        <dependency>FS22_chainLinkFence</dependency>  <dependency>FS22_OldChickenBarn</dependency> <dependency>FS22_CowBarn_Set</dependency> <dependency>FS22_CowFarmPack</dependency> <dependency>FS22_CowShed42x22</dependency> <dependency>FS22_FarmCowBarns</dependency> <dependency>FS22_GrainStoragePack</dependency> <dependency>FS22_Hops_Equipment</dependency> <dependency>FS22_hugeAmericanFarmPack</dependency> <dependency>FS22_Lizard_Silo_System</dependency> <dependency>FS22_meadowFence_placeables</dependency> <dependency>FS22_MeridianGrainBinPack</dependency>  <dependency>FS22_MoreTrees</dependency> <dependency>FS22_PackOfWorkshops</dependency> <dependency>FS22_RedBarnPack</dependency> <dependency>FS22_Sheep_Barn</dependency> <dependency>FS22_Steel_Shed_Pack</dependency> <dependency>FS22_LawnandFirewoodCustomers</dependency>

List of Prefabs/Other Creators Work

Disturbed Simulation - the Industrial BGA on Cheam Farm has used his recipes

JZD Vidhostice Modding - the Hops vines, productions, and vehicle pack.












BB - gate7BarWoodenPost_14ft

…and many more to follow.


Update 4pm 082024

-Added Hops filltypes to bulk trailers.

-Reduced feed requirements for cows and pigs.

Update 10pm 081524

-Fixed issue with all Manure Heap Extensions. They now work and are sell-able. (Including Sleese from both Barns)

-Fixed a .gdm issues with Plowing, and Stones. Now they both work as expected.

-Sheep pen at Northern Hobby Farm now works (with chickens)

-Top Loading Silo Sell Point now works (it was actually the conveyor)

-Added 2 more unique Bald Eagle calls to the nature sound-track. (IRL they breed in a big flock just down the river each year.)

-Added the Raven call to the nature sound-track but very infrequently. (Ravens are and amazing bird and it's really cool to hear them IRL.)

-Additional cows to Weaver Farm... now 120

Update 11pm 081024

-Pine and Aspen LOD distances reduced for small boost in performance.

-Added Fabric to 3 or 4 sell points.

-Squashed the hourly free money bug.

-Fix black near-distance border texture.

-Fixed rocket pallets, they now spawn and stay on the ground.

-The Generic Precision Farming Soil Map is now the official FVBC Soil Map! My custom map doesn't work, I am 99% sure my xmling in the PF section of the map.xml is correct after checking the PF instructions many times. Either way, I looked at the Generic Soil Map and it matches the terrain of the map even better than my custom, so that's what we're using now. :) (feel free to check my map.xml)

-Adjusted Old Barn collisions

-Removed Farmlands 149 and 142. Added them to the common land. These are the decoration farms, the ones with the unowned cows. 

-Moved Sml Horse farms Sell Point away from food trough.

Update 6pm 080824

-Some of the mod assets were not accessible. Fixed farmIds.

-Renamed a sellpoint

-Removed FS22_mhModVehicleShelter, tweaked big contractors.

PDA Guide

What's on the Map?

20 Completely Unique Farms 

See Left and Right panels on above Detailed PDA, above.


10 Dairy Farms

Mostly family-sized, all with grazing

1 Very Big Cow/Pig Farm

With its own self-feeding BGA

2 Horse Farms

1 medium and 1 big

2 Chicken Farms

1 medium and 1 very big

2 Contracting Farms

1 massive, 1 big

1 Sheep Farm

With grazing

1 Pig/Chicken Farm

With large free range chicken pens

In addition all the above farms have…

…necessary structures for feeding

…commodity bins

…manure options


…a workshop

…a residence (some have sleep/dress trigger)

…just enough shed space

4 Small Hobby Farms

2 with combined Horse and Sheep paddocks

Plus Many Micro Farm Buyable Lots

With different sizes of shed.

Farm Notes…

-Many farms have roughly the same ‘stuff’ which is good for MP

-All farms have completely different layouts and buildings.

-All farms are on the location of real farms, and the buildings have roughly the same footprint.

-All 20 farms are also sell-points. You can remove the sell point on the farm(s) you play. 

-There is a vibrant market for forage which is awesome for contractors.

All Farms are completely sellable/deletable

To delete the decorations from the main farms you must own both the farm and the Common Areas of the map. This can be purchased for $0, and sold when you’re done editing.


Custom Textures

Textures from BenjiFS (corn) and BulletBill (wheat, barley, oats, osr). This conveniently left the in-game barley texture free to be used for Rye. 


The good people of Team JZD Vidhostice have given me permission to build Hops into the map! I am stoked because there is an awesome craft brewery scene in British Columbia and the perfect climate for hops. It is possible to plant hops vines wherever you want but the combing and drying factories are built into the map and can not be placed at the modders request.

Alfalfa, Clover

The map has Alfalfa, Clover, and regular Grass. For simplicity with animal feeding Clover and Alfalfa will become in-game Grass when cut. However, the planting and harvesting times are slightly different for each and the growth rates and yield are also different.


Rye is a winter crop.

Precision Farming

Custom Precision Farming soil map with a lot of detail.



In real life there are a lot of large scale nurseries growing large potted plants, especially hedges, along this part of the Lougheed Hwy. 

The Nursery Production creates Western Hemlock Hedges and Designer Plants (landscaping plants). Each output has a couple of input options; cheaper inputs that require more labour, or more expensive inputs that require less labour.

Cement Factory & Quarry 

In real life there is a ready-mix concrete factory in the same location. I have upgraded it to a cement factory on the map. Both Limestone and Stone need to be transported to crushers. Players will also need to arrange the logistics for moving Iron-Rich Clay by truck from the train station to the factory.

These 3 ingredients need to be processed twice using movable and animated conveyors to build up stocks of Sand, Gravel, Crushed Limestone, and Lime, before they can be converted into Cement and Concrete. There's a lot going on but it is designed to be almost automatic if you know how to use Autodrive well. Flow charts below. https://youtu.be/cZgyAg0dUmc 


Forestry is the biggest industry in BC, I think. This sawmill creates Boards and Pallets, which can be sold or used in the Hops or Nursery Production Chains.


The Hops Production Chain takes the freshly cut Hops Vines, removes the Cones from the Vines, dries the Cones and Palletizes them. Input Pallets can be purchased or produced at the Sawmill or Carpenters.

DLC Products

Many of the built-in sell-points support the sale of FS22 Premium and Platinum expansion packs.


-Forklifts and a Grain Conveyor are available for free but do not take them too far.

-A version of the vanilla tanker MK32 has been edited to include Propane and Oil. You will find it in the Misc section of the shop. I understand that this is not realistic, you are welcome to add mod tankers with Propane as an excepted filltype.

-Similarly, no Cement and Concrete Mixer trucks exist in the modhub. One alternative would be https://www.fsminer.net/. (Always ensure you download mods from their ‘official’ link.)

Lawn Mowing

There are small grass 'fields' in the backyards of most of the 20+ decoration houses dotted around the map. These backyards are part of one very cheap farmland (254). Players can buy this farmland, role-playing that they are buying/setting-up a lawn-mowing business, and then the mow lawns. The Lawn and Firewood Customers mod has been pre-placed in the backyards of all these decoration houses. This is set-up as a legit alternative to the logging start-from-scratch. 

Cool Features

-Some really nice realistic mountain scenery... this is BC after all. A contender for the most epic border in FS.

-The in-game Shop is on the location of a real Lely factory, the Lely branding on part of the In-game Shop is a nod to this.

-Remove the forests from fields 178, 179 by chainsawing the two small trees between the sawmill and the road. Western tree = 178.

-Optional forestry or grazing in field 178, with disappearing loading yards. Trigger in shed.

-Removable forest in field 179, can be replaced with a pre-planted growing forestry plantation by simply dropping an xml into a savegame folder.

-255 separate fields… 255 separate farmlands

-Super-super bumpy forests, you will need very good forwarders or winches.

-Several forestry starting clearings of different sizes.

-Winch Valley. Specially designed to make the most of the winch DLC.

-Products from the Premium and Platinum packs included in some sell-points. 

-The mountain roads that will kill you if you don’t know where the foot-break is.

-Custom Trees from the Karhuvaara Map by INF Modding (thank-you!!) mixed in with standard trees.

-All trees have settings recommended by FDR Logging. This stops the trunks rolling/sliding around on steep slopes and makes them less annoying to move and load.

-Many wardrobe triggers in key places around the map.

-Fully edited sound map with Bald Eagles and Northern Raven calls added.

-A sleep trigger is available in store, if your house doesn’t have one.

-Multi Terrain angle. 32 angles.

-British Columbia number plates (the 2010 version which is IMO nicer than the current one).

-Many vacant Farmlands to add Productions too. 

-A fun little speedway, roughly where a real one is.

-A nature/birding reserve near the Winery.

-An epic Canyon and with wild water, nature reserve, mountain flower field, mountain bridge

- A flowing creek with nice mowing fields dotted along

-Large undeveloped buyable sand islands in the river

-Custom Precision Farming Map.

-Some custom decoration foliage.

-Slightly taller grass.

-Multi Terrain angle. 32 angles.

-British Columbia number plates (the 2010 version which is IMO nicer than the current one).

Hops Production Notes -by Vidhostise Mapping

  1. The building on Farmland 130 only removes the Raw Hops Cones from the Vines. If you would like to continue the production line beyond this you will need one of the other 3 larger Hops buildings which will, in addition, dry the cones. Neither the smaller or larger hops buildings can be placed in-game; you can only use what is built into the map. This is at the request of the mod makers… Vidhostice Mapping. 
  2. You can plant the Hops Vines anywhere… go to Store-Others-Construction-Productions-Orchards (with the Grapes and Olives).
  3. In the Czech Rep. (where Vidhostise is) Hops farmers use Heating Oil to dry the hops. In B.C. it is much more likely that farmers use LPG/Propane. In-game both Heating Oil and LPG/Propane are available for the same price and are identical except for name. They can be purchased from the railway yards and there is a modded trailer in the Vehicles Store that accepts those fillTypes (see Misc). It’s not cheating to get it delivered.
Cement Factory Production/Logistics Charts

Chart 1 (above) and Chart 2 (below) show the same processes.

Chart 3. Cement Production Inputs and Outputs.

Nursery Production Charts

Chart 4. Nursery Bed and Seedling House name key. Match the numbers with the in-game Production Menu names and numbers.

Chart 4. Nursery Production options.

Please come back later. This document will be regularly updated for a while after release.

CategoryGame mod
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(11 total ratings)


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FS22_FVBC.zip 895 MB


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is this map gonna make a come back for 25?

im having the same problem as PhoBo but when i try to get rid of the 2 mods that aren't work i cant delete the contents of them 

it seems i cant sell manure at any sell points

Discord invite is expired


Not sure if it's just me, but I can't load in because it's stuck saying "'Fraser Valley, British Columbia' requires 'FS22_Sheep_Barn.zip'"

All the other mods auto downloaded except this one... I can't find it on the in game modhub manually either

Sorry for the delay responding, and thanks for letting me know! LancyBoi removed some of his mods, I'm sure you could find a version of the mod somewhere for personal use but I won't be sharing it... (sorry, I need to respect his wishes). I just posted this over on discord....

LancyBoi has removed some of his mods from modhub This means the Sheep Barns on the bigger sheep farm are not available as map dependencies. I'll fix this in an update soon. If you have already downloaded the map an easy fix is to open modDesc.xml and delete the contents of line 48. Save, etc and the Sheep Barn will not be required by the map. I won't be re-editing that part of the map, I'll just wait until Lancy re posts.

Appreciate the response and I 100% agree with not sharing a mod that's been taken down! I recall hearing LancyBoi has had some issues with mods being removed on him (not his doing) so I'll watch for it to hopefully re-appear. 

I followed your instructions and was able to log in, so thank you for that! The map appears very beautifully decorated, but the amount of trees makes my GPU very unhappy compared to other 4X maps, so I'll probably have to drop my graphics settings to truly enjoy.

hey mate, having an issue when I fill up with diesel or put water in a greenhouse or fill anything really. The map Hud is affected and cant see any points like sell etc and doesn't show anything besides the map no info at all once ive filled something up. have tried 3 seperate save games and does it on all. i cant figure it out. have you hrard of this before

when i open it,it wont let me delete it,i can highlight it but nothing else

also sys im missing cowbarn? you know which one that is by?

discord link is broken

Question - is there a way to remove all the trash / etc from the construction sites if you want to use the land? Loving the map so far - great work. Awesome job for your first map. 

Looks like I can use "Hide Map Objects" mod but curious if there is an in-game way I am missing. Thanks in advance...

If you buy the common land you can sell the mess.

Thanks -- I will give it a try. Just downloaded the new update so time to get rocking :) 

love the map it feels like home keep up the good work

(1 edit)

This video will answer some questions...


(1 edit)

Share progress, discuss game play, report bugs, see the 'to-do' list...


Hello Hilly Farms Ive been playing pretty much non stop since yesterday.  Ive got a question i took like 7 truck loads to the train conveyor sale point but didnt get paid and i thought it may be a holding tank  for the train but there isnt a place to rent the train either nor a pipe to fill the train?  Any directoin would be great thank you and AMAZING MAP by the way thank you.

(1 edit)

Thanks mate! Not getting paid there is an issue I need to look into. There is no 'train sell point', as-in the type you get into to drive. The train is just for decoration. So when you load the conveyor it should be selling right away. I'll work it out and let you know what's happening. In the meantime you'll need to use a calculator and Easy Dev Mod to give yourself some money... sorry mate!

No worries and thank you for your quick response are issues something you want to know about I feel bad because I know how much work you modders put into your work and I dont want anyone to feel like they are being called out on something... also I found that on the farm right by field 80 the small cow barn closest to the house(not the big barn) the animal buy point doesnt work i did look for a trigger but couldnt find one.  Again amazing map you should be so proud of yourself thank you again and i hope this makes it to FS25 quickly.

I'll check it out, thank you! I appreciate all bug reports! If you're on Discord... https://discord.gg/eYXffD7G


Excited to try this map out when you have the download link back in place.  

It was down for a bit but back now

hey mate, keen to start this amazing map! where to download says on youtube to come here but no download button

it's back now

(1 edit)

hello, first of all this map looks awesome. Just started up the map start from scratch and i get 800 dollar income every hour. But i cant figure out where it is comming from. I dont have any land yet, or other mods. Is this a bug or do i miss something?

Thanks, yup that's a booboo, I'll be fixing it in an update in the next couple of days

Thanks so much for the map and all the hard work that I'm sure has gone into this. One small issue I've noticed is I'm seeing black textures in some of the border area. I'm working in field 6 and noticed that the hills and some of the flat area in the distance are just black.

Thanks! That's not something I have see before. Does this always happen or have you only seen it in one save? (it could be a load-in error, that will clear). Have you customized your draw distance settings? (it could be the size of the map causing issues). Let me know.

Thanks for the response! I opened the map in GE and noticed that the inner border seems to lose it's link to the texture. I re-linked it and it seems to be working now. I don't know if it's something to do with the seasonal textures. No idea. I haven't messed around with that before. But I do have the textures working again.

Is there a way to not start out owning so many animal pens?  Regardless on how I load in, start from scratch, farm manager or new player, when I click on animals in the ESC menu, I own multiple pens, not yet with any animals.  I don't want to go around selling off the buildings.  Not sure if this is a map bug or not.  Great map otherwise, looking forward to playing more on it.

At present no. I am working on a script that will hide and make unowned Barns and Prods in-accessible. The reason this happens is because they are mods and the modder has not set the 'buyWithFarmland' attribute, as a result I needed to make them 'owned' by everyone. In the meantime just don't use them. Cheers!

Ok thanks, I will ignore them :-)

Quick question what area of the Fraser valley is this based on? Great looking map either way 

(1 edit)

Just west of Agassiz, BC. Kent County. That is where the map comes from, but really it's inspired by the whole valley. (I left the prisons out, lol)

Another head-up. I have paused downloads pending an update that fixes a few small but important things. I'll be about 2 hours. Cheers!


Heads up... as with all maps this size there will be little things that need updating soon after release. I will be doing regular updates early on. I suggest starting with contracts, that way you can transfer you vehicles.xml file to future updates.

Happy Farming!

(1 edit)

just downloaded the map mate and amazing work sir the map is stunning and the about of farms and sell points and productions is awesome.  had to turn down the view distance to 150 but then had zero issues loading and I use a ton of mods.. well done 

thank-you! have fun :)